Thursday, January 25, 2007

The First Step..

Since this is my "first step" in the blogging phenomena, introductions would be appropriate. My name is Liz. I attend the University of Wisconsin Madison and am hoping to become a Communicative Disorders major with a focus on Speech Language Pathology. I love music and other creative/expressive things like reading, writing, painting, drawing, knitting, etc. I also enjoy a lot of outdoor activities, such as hiking, canoing, camping, kayaking and fishing. Madison is a pretty big town for me. I've realized that I prefer small town life, but Madison has definitely been a fun experience.

I've never thought about making my own blog before, so this should be quite interesting. I'm pretty new to the whole experience and the only blogs I read would be those from craftzine. I'm doing this for a class (English 201), so hopefully I will learn quite a bit. Maybe an interest will spark in me to continue blogging.

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